PSX 20181012 191907
The eyevil eye scream scoop
Eye’m baaaaack *eyevil laugh*

The ghosts of Newdie Mag’s Haunted Kitchen are now possessing kitchen items. The ice cream scoop is now an “eye scream” scoop and is dishing out bowls of eye scream on it’s own. It’s so scary I’m about to sprinkle my pants.

October is typically colder but with global warming it may be the perfect weather for this treat.

The easy recipe is below:


Vanilla ice cream
Strawberry syrup
Red pixie stix
Gumball eyes (or human eyes it you’re a cannibal, I don’t know your life)


Scoop out a large scoop or two of ice cream in bowl
Sprinkle generously with red pixie stix
In center of each scoop pour strawberry syrup and let bleed down
Place gumball eyes in center

That was really easy. It’s even easier if you have a possessed ice cream scoop do it for you.

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