She's Awkward Cupcakes famous!
Welcome Kimmy Saracino to Newdie Mag

It’s official. We’re now in that awkward time of year that has us all thinking: “Omg, Halloween is already over? Oh wait, it’s almost Christmas. Is it still acceptable to order a tall PSL off the Starbucks menu? DID FALL EVEN HAPPEN?!”

Now before you get all dramatic and switch up your order to peppermint mocha, here’s some food for thought that’ll have this fall season live on for as long as your basic little heart desires.

Nowadays most don’t realize how many things you can do with a pumpkin. In fact, the majority of the population insists on purchasing a pumpkin, throwing out the guts, and then carving what they think will turn out to be a beautiful depiction of their favorite GOT character (expectation vs. reality, people). So that’s it, right? WRONG.

You can absolutely do more than just carve your pumpkin and toss it when it looks sadder than your last relationship.

Let me give you the inside scoop.


These suckers are packed with antioxidants and a decent amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and folate. They are linked to reduced risk of cancers, improve bladder health, and taste better than a bowl of white cheddar popcorn.

Oh. My. Gourd.

Now whether you typically crave sweet or salty, there are many easy and freaking delicious ways to prepare your pepitas.

For any given pumpkin seed recipe, the following 4 steps must remain the same. Once complete, then you can get creative with the flavors.

#1. Scoop out your pumpkin’s guts.
#2. Rinse them so they aren’t slimy and gross.
#3. Spread them onto a baking pan.
#4. Bake those babies at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

Next up, throw those baked seeds into a giant bowl— or multiple small bowls depending on how many flavors you feel so inclined to make.

Time to get creative AF.

Salty? Sweet? Spicy? For those of you who are as indecisive as me, check out a few of my favorites below for guidance.

-melted butter

-more butter
-ranch reasoning

-olive oil
-garlic powder
-parmesan cheese
-more salt

Regardless of the recipe, be sure to mix the ingredients, spread on a baking sheet, and then bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for another 12 minutes.
The end result? Delicious-ness + ease + proud IG photos of your more than beautiful work of art.

Can you say #squashgoals ?


Kimmy Saracino is a contributor to Newdie Mag and does so much more. Check out her website

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