Irish Coquito: A Recipe for a Boozy Christmas

An island drink
Gift it…or drink it all. Not judging

Christmas is coming up and for me that means making a bunch of bottles of my favorite alcoholic treat, coquito or island egg nog.  If you have no idea what that is, I used to live in St. Croix in the Virgin Islands and in December every restaurant, bar and island grandma competes for the best recipe. Continue reading Irish Coquito: A Recipe for a Boozy Christmas

Outtakes from E4 of Cooking with Comedians by Newdie Mag

Even Ina Garten and Mary Berry (Still looks like Remy Germinario to me) sometimes need a few takes to get it perfect. Continue reading Outtakes from E4 of Cooking with Comedians by Newdie Mag

Be trendy: Use Cauliflower

It's trendy
Cauliflower rice, rice baby. So good. So good.

OK, so you started dating someone new and they’re (dramatic music) VEGAN! Don’t panic, we’ve got you, this cauliflower rice side will impress any cow kisser.

With no cheese and no meat it’s exactly what you need to go with that slab of tofu and that pile of hot spinach. I actually love cauliflower and this is a great way to work it into a dish with big flavor and little preparation. Both the hearty baby bella’s and the sun dried tomatoes will give it the kick you need to add a little flavor to this new little trendsetter. Continue reading Be trendy: Use Cauliflower

DIY Donuts

DIY donuts
Do-nut try this at home. JK. Try it and enjoy!

Wondering what dessert matches your personality? Take a quiz and find out at Quizmedians then read Kimmy’s article.

So on my last work trip. I was sent to Pittsburgh for a total of 19 hours. Although this is a beautiful city that I had never been to before, the only things I wanted to do was sleep, be boring and look up cute cat videos on Instagram.

Depressing? Absolutely not. Old lady AF? You freakin’ betcha. I own that s***. Continue reading DIY Donuts

The Newdie Foodie

Talents are varied and some people might be able to play the banjo with their toes, be the next promising candidate for Ryan Gosling’s muse, or maybe have
feet naturally shaped in a point so that ballet dancing is a default method of transportation.

I however, have one skill above them all; Eating With Enthusiasm. It’s a recognized sport between myself and my travel companion to Asia, featured below eating a sought-after pineapple bun. Leah and I teamed up together to become the best Enthusiastic Eaters, refining our taste bud muscles to supplement our previous training when we lived in Seoul as professional Korean BBQ Pursuers. Continue reading The Newdie Foodie

Spiked hot chocolate to get you through a cold winter

Size matters when it comes to hot chocolate
You know what they say about a man with a big mug

November 15, 2018 – a day that won’t exactly live in infamy – but it was darn cold and snowy here in New York City. Being a Southern transplant, I am still not used to the cold weather. However, there is s-no-w place like home so I need something to help me get through a long, cold, and snowy winter season. Continue reading Spiked hot chocolate to get you through a cold winter

Cooking with Comedians E4 – Lemon Chicken with Ina Garten

Ina Garten (or is that Remy Germinario) guest hosts Cooking with Comedians by Newdie Mag this week. Broadways JR Bruno and Mary Berry (she sure looks like Remy Germinario too) stop by as guests.

Ina Garten is having a really busy day. Will she be able to get the food cooked on time all by herself to share with her close friends? Find out by watching now. Once you watch, head over to Quizmedians to find out What Ina Garten Saying You Are

Continue reading Cooking with Comedians E4 – Lemon Chicken with Ina Garten

Bourbon…and…Pecan Pie recipe for the holidays

Dexter loves bourbon pecan pie

Pee-KAHN. Pick-AHN. PEE-can. PEE-Kahn.

No matter how you pronounce it, pecan pie is a Thanksgiving staple, especially in the south. It’s a classic pee-can dessert for before you hit the poo-can (toilet joke). Continue reading Bourbon…and…Pecan Pie recipe for the holidays

Picky kids? Sneak in some fiber with this hack

Sneak fiber into your kids diet
From rambunctious to regular

Kids are picky, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out on all the fiber the rest of us are using to stay regular.

I’m a nanny/chef, a sneaky one, and I’ve found a way to sneak fiber into your kids favorite dinner option. Ready for your mind to be blown? Continue reading Picky kids? Sneak in some fiber with this hack